Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park

Saturday, June 30, 2007

First Wheat Cent in June!

I haven't had time to do much hunting lately, but today I finally got out for a hour at the local park. The Tot Lot was a disappointment, nothing much there but hair pins and foil. I then found a license plate holder in the turf area, it reads "Arlington Wa" ..Interesting...but nothing to make me cheer...

I put plan B into effect, which was checking out the old trees in the grassy area next to the tennis courts. I figured people had rested under these shady giants for many years. I was using my smaller coil for trashy areas and sure enough I started getting decent signals. I found what I called "the Penny Tree" an old grizzled popular with large roots that seemed to have a penny or two every few feet. I got a nice beep right next to a large gnarly root and started digging about 4 inches into the mulch, imagine my surprise when I found a 1941 wheat penny, my very first wheatie and oldest coin so far as a metal detecting beginner. Looks like I need to get out more often!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Park Hunt June 12

Today I did a 90 minute hunt at a new park I found with Google earth. I decided to do a quick sweep of the tot lot and under some old trees to see if anything made the MXT beep with happiness. I found quiet a few pennies and dimes in the tot lot and quarters and zincs under the tree. I did find a tiny key and a star in the wood chips while the bracelet was found next to a tree trunk laying right on the surface.

I did find my first Canadian nickels and a 1953 nickel, that was interesting. The park was pretty empty, I basically had it all to myself on a nice sunny day.

I noticed the batteries on the MXT were reading 9 (12 is a full charge, 8 is low) I have had the same batteries in use since December so they lasted pretty long, the next time I put new batteries in I am going to keep track of the time, Whites says you should be able to get 40 hours out of a battery pack, we'll see if thats true.

Start Digging!